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Helping Out Before & After School

We provide a safe and engaging environment for your school age children to attend when you have to be at work before school starts and after school ends. They are able to socialize and play with friends before we head to the bus stop or the Learning Tree van takes them to school around 7:35. In the afternoon we will provide transportation from Sandhill and Fox Prairie school. When they arrive at Learning Tree, they will be offered a snack and help with their homework if they have some. Our afterschool program is very laid back as the children just spent 8 hours in a structured setting. If the weather permits, we will spend as much time outside playing games and running around. When we are inside there is plenty to do; such as, playing air hockey and foosball, playing dress up, creating art, making bracelets, building a Lego creations and/or playing your favorite game.

Our school agers always find a way to stay busy and have fun at the same time.

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